Foreign experience of forming communicative competence of foreign students in universities of civil engineering and architecture

  • Nadiia Kichuk Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: communicative, competence, students, foreigners, university, construction, architecture


The article reveals the foreign experience to form the communicative competence of foreign students in universities of construction and architecture. Scientists emphasize the importance of classifying communication skills according to such groups as oral, written, interpersonal, and visual communication. Oral communication included such important skills as preparing an oral presentation, meeting, participating in a telephone conversation, briefing, discussion, etc.; written communication includes the ability to create e-mails, reports, memos. Instead, it is appropriate, according to scientists, to include such skills as perceiving information from brochures and advertisements, technical drawings, illustrations, photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, catalogs, and presentations to the system of visual communication skills. Along with this, it makes sense, from the researchers’ point of view, to include participation in team activities, resolution of conflict situations, transmission of non-verbal signals, realization of self-concept and management of one’s emotional state as interpersonal communication skills. The leading methods to form the communicative competence of foreign students are brainstorming, mini-interviews, discussion of scenarios for the use of grammatical forms and lexical units, analysis of different communication styles, and body language characteristics. In addition, the use of presentations allows you to assimilate the correct intonation, sentence rhythm, basic idioms, and terms. It is pedagogically expedient to systematically acquaint students with the main components of planning, evaluation and reporting of their educational activities. The analysis of foreign experience in the formation of communicative competence of future foreign students in universities of construction and architecture allows for the formulation of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of their training in the domestic system of higher technical education, for example, to take into account the peculiarities of oral, written, interpersonal, visual communication; create an atmosphere of immersion in the English language; develop flexible educational plans; take into account the specifics of professional communication situations; increasing the specific weight of interactive learning methods; active use of information and communication technologies.

How to Cite
Kichuk, N. (2023). Foreign experience of forming communicative competence of foreign students in universities of civil engineering and architecture. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (62), С. 113-121. Retrieved from

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