Modern Interactive Technologies in the Process of Formation of Socio-Cultural Competence of Higher Education Students in English Classes

  • Olena Sali Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: socio-cultural competence; interactive method; interactive learning; interactive learning technologies, motivation.


Trends in expanding international cooperation and, consequently, intercultural communication, led to the emergence of new requirements for future professionals: to be active participants in foreign language professional communication, to master the rules of language behavior during the communicative process. Thus, scientists and teachers of higher education face the problem of ensuring the highest possible level of socio-cultural competence.

The task of the teacher in this process is to use in their pedagogical practice the widest possible range of different teaching methods and tools that enhance the educational and cognitive activities of higher education students in the process of learning English; in stimulating interest in the subject and material being taught. The use of interactive methods and tools will depend on many factors. It is not effective to constantly use traditional teaching methods and systems, it is desirable to experiment, try new techniques and tools, taking into account the requirements of today.

The article attempts to analyze the use of modern interactive technologies used by English teachers in the formation of socio-cultural competence of higher education students in the educational process. Peculiarities and specifics of application of interactive methods of English language teaching in higher education institutions are considered. The expediency of using interactive technologies is considered, which allow to make classes more diverse, which give students the opportunity to show language independence, to implement communication skills and language skills. The expediency of using interactive technologies focused on activating students' creative thinking has been proved.

The use of this method encourages the teacher to constant creativity, self-improvement, professional and personal growth and development. In the process of getting acquainted with one or another interactive method, the teacher becomes the organizer of independent, educational, cognitive, communicative, creative activities of students; he has opportunities to improve the learning process, the development of socio-cultural competence of students and the holistic development of their personality.

Thus, higher education institutions must create conditions for quality training, introduce new pedagogical methods, technologies, interactive teaching methods aimed at developing practical skills, creativity, abilities and inclinations of the individual.

How to Cite
Sali, O. (2021). Modern Interactive Technologies in the Process of Formation of Socio-Cultural Competence of Higher Education Students in English Classes. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (47), C. 81-89. Retrieved from