Competence in biology as a component of the professionalcompetence of future bachelors of natural sciences

  • Nadiia Gramatyk Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: bachelor of natural sciences, professional competence, competence in biology of future bachelors of natural sciences, subject-methodical competence


The reorientation of education on the subject of learning requires a review of the main approaches to the functioning of the components of the professional training of the future teacher of the New Ukrainian School. In addition, the social demand of modern society is aimed at the literate youth who have a holistic in the field of natural sciences idea of the modern natural and scientific picture of the world, the role and place of man in the surrounding world as an integral part of nature. In addition, we note that the biological component of natural science education ensures the individual's assimilation of the laws of functioning of living systems, the acquisition of experience in world perception and its understanding, the use of methods of activity in the biosphere, the ability to independently solve problems in various spheres of life. That is why a teacher of natural sciences must be a high-level specialist, have a high level of professional competence, in order to implement the strategy of sustainable development of humanity by orienting the educational process in the plane of the new paradigm of natural education of schoolchildren. Therefore, the main goal of the professional development of the future bachelor of natural sciences is the acquisition of a certain number of competencies that will create a basis for the successful implementation of the biological component in the integrated system of school natural education. In the context of the above, a special role is assigned to the fundamental biological training of future bachelors as a component of their subject competence, aimed at personal assimilation of the regularities of the functioning of living systems at various levels of organization, gaining experience in world perception and its understanding, using methods of activity in the biosphere, the ability to independently solve problems in various spheres of life. Among the disciplines of professional training aimed at the formation of competence in biology of future bachelors of natural sciences, the course «Biology of plants» appears.


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How to Cite
Gramatyk, N. (2023). Competence in biology as a component of the professionalcompetence of future bachelors of natural sciences. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (64), С. 36-47. Retrieved from