Greek experience of social transformations the second half of the 20th century

  • Nadiia Shсherbyna Odessa National Economic University
  • Yurii Mahinla Odessa National Economic University
Keywords: transformation, society, party, democracy, dictatorship, leadership, geopolitics, Greece


The article covers the theoretical and practical aspects of important social
transformations in Greece of the 60-70s of the XX century, their influence on the further
development of the country. The place and role of democratic and authoritarian principles in the
processes of functioning of the state apparatus and the vital functions of society are considered.
The specificity of forming a regime of military dictatorship, its leader component in the
conditions of the crisis state of the country is given. The ideological foundations of traditional
and modern authoritarianism, its socio-economic approaches in the context of profound social
transformations, features of mass consciousness of transition society are analyzed. A
comparative analysis of the processes of historical development of Greece and other countries of
Europe and the world is being carried out. The author's generalizations and conclusions about
comprehension of the historical heritage of Greek authoritarianism and its overcoming in the
context of large-scale social transformations in modern Ukraine and prospects of its further
sustainable development as a new independent state of Eastern Europe are offered. Taking into
account both positive and negative, sometimes frankly devastating manifestations of the
autocratic model of being, should secure the nation and the state from repeating the destructive
experience of the past, and create the preconditions for overcoming the labile tendencies in

How to Cite
ShсherbynaN., & Mahinla, Y. (2019). Greek experience of social transformations the second half of the 20th century. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (40), C. 227-235. Retrieved from