Effective and engaging devices at online english lessons

  • Larysa Tkachenko Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: distance education, distance learners, effective and engaging devices, online and blended learning, extra-curriculum activities, efficient technologies.


Distance education becomes one of the fastest developing approaches in higher education in Ukraine. This trend is bringing various changes and challenges to academic study and educational process. The ongoing efforts made by English teachers and various challenges they face in meeting distance learners’ needs are great, however, there are a lot of efficient and engaging devices  which are aimed at solving different tasks at English online lessons. In our work the emphasis is laid on researching new methods and devices, which can help English teachers who are oriented to mastering distance education. We analyzed the efficiency of online and blended learning in teaching English, presented effective engaging technologies of conducting English lessons as well as English extra-curriculum activities. Different examples of how various teaching devices and methods may be successfully employed for distance learners in higher educational establishments as well as in secondary schools are offered in this article. The works of the English and American scientists who work in the sphere of education serve as a methodological basis for our paper. We proved that online conversation lessons help students improve their listening and speaking abilities if the teacher provides them with a good listening environment, chooses subjects that interest the students and uses special exercises to develop their skills and motivate students’ desire to study English. It is noted that in order to become a successful teacher and to have motivated and successful students, it is necessary to employ modern technologies and methodical recommendations of the Ukrainian and foreign specialists.

How to Cite
Tkachenko, L. (2021). Effective and engaging devices at online english lessons. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (47), C. 96-102. Retrieved from http://visnyk.idgu.edu.ua/index.php/nv/article/view/409