National-centric dominants of documentary documentation of Ukrainian dissident poets

  • Galyna Raibedyuk Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: nonconformism, dissidents, documentary, open letter, dominant, nation-centeredness, imperative, text.


The article elucidated the ideological and informative dominants of the documentary of Ukrainian dissident poets, revealed their conditionality on the socio-political situation in Ukraine from the period 1960-70 s. The links of the factual text with the ethics of being a generation of nonconformists in the conditions of the communist regime are specified, reliable information about the human rights movement and literary process in the conditions of totalitarianism, the practice of fabricated courts over the Ukrainian intellectual elite is decoded. The main attention is focused on the characterization of the national centric vectors of open correspondence by Vasily Stus and Irina Kalinets, its mental suggestibility and social significance are justified, factual and psychological plans are emphasized. It has been proved that the semantic field of open letters of dissidents (individual and collective) is structured by a cross-cutting national and, at the same time, existential problem. Open letters of dissidents are considered as informative, analytical texts with a wide historical and intellectual range, high emotional-exposing pathos and moral imperatives. The thematic spectrum of the analysed documentation is adjusted with a fundamentally unchanged national environmental ethos; her ideological and informative dominant is recognized as the writer's mobility and stoicism in upholding the right of  people to have their own state, language, culture, in his responsibility for preserving the national «I» personal and universal. In the stagnant period of Ukrainian history, dissidents in statements, protest letters, letters of appeal, as well as in artistic work, showed the flow of the philosophy of the national idea into the almost political sphere, making tangible progress towards the civil society of the Ukrainian nation.

How to Cite
Raibedyuk, G. (2021). National-centric dominants of documentary documentation of Ukrainian dissident poets. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (47), C. 71-80. Retrieved from