The structure of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov «The hero of our time» and the literary diary of the hero

  • Tetiana Savoskina Izmail State University of Humanities
Keywords: literary diary, genre form, narrative specificity, autobiography, documentary, confessional, typology.


The article is devoted to the studying of the genre properties of the hero’s literary diary based on the «Pechorin’s Magazine», the material is included in t he structure of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov «Hero of Our Time». Attention is focused on the specifics of Pechorin ’s diary entries in Taman and Fatalist, which manifests itself in a special form of first -person narrative, text autobiography and documentary presentation. Despite the fact that in these novels the specific features of the diary are lost: there is no dating, th e narration is reoriented from the confessional to the event, but at the same time the «personal sense of self » does not completely disappear here. It manifests itself in the style of narration, in brief forms of self -expression, expressing Pechorin’s thoughts and emotions, his attitude to the outside world. It is proved that the genre possibilities of the diary are most fully realized in the story «Princess Mary». In this connection, an evolution is traced from Lermontov’s lyric diary to Pechorin’s dated r ecords in
«Princess Mary», which recreate real-time events; one of the main genre-forming signs of the diary story is being updated ‒ confessional, which determines the style of the diary story: accuracy, conciseness and aphoristic words. It is summarized that by the content, structure and language of «Princess Mary» can be classified as «diary ‒ analytical confession». In general, the «Pechorin Magazine» preserves the diary’s genre criteria: synchronicity, which determines the way of reflecting reality aut ocommunicative, suggesting a match between the addressee and the addressee; dating of records as a structural beginning of the story; confession. The diary of Lermontov becomes an artistic method of self -knowledge and self -identification of the contemporary hero. «The Pechorin’s Magazine» is focused simultaneously on the extravertive and introvertive type of diary.

How to Cite
Savoskina, T. (2021). The structure of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov «The hero of our time» and the literary diary of the hero. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (41), C. 98-105. Retrieved from