Development of tolerance in the history of eastern culture

  • Mashhura Yuldasheva Bukhara State University
Keywords: tolerance, national and spiritual value, great personalities, harmony, spiritual and religious purity, humanity, brotherhood, mutual understanding, patience, discrimination, harassment.


The peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East have a long history of tolerance. Our ancestors from an early age were tolerant of other religions and nationalities, instilled in them such qualities as respect for the culture, language and traditions of other peoples. In addition, it is argued that tolerance education is passed on to future generations.

Tolerance has long been a characteristic feature of the Uzbek people, many of its aspects are now overlooked by researchers. Important tasks in this area are: first of all, to determine the system of teaching materials that will serve to form the concept of tolerance in students. At the same time, it is advisable to pay special attention to the activities of great figures and educational materials informing about the historical experience of our people.

Having studied certain concepts of tolerance, a person forms a homogeneous system of analogous attitudes towards objective life. Ethical norms of social behavior are also determined. The student's interest in the requirements of social life is formed through an understanding of ethical directions. This is especially important for elementary school students who are just starting to adopt a code of conduct.

How to Cite
Yuldasheva, M. (2021). Development of tolerance in the history of eastern culture. Scientific Bulletin of the Izmail State University of Humanities, (46), C. 158-166. Retrieved from